Thursday, September 17, 2015

Let's start at the very beginning

Hello and welcome! Guess I should start from the beginning on here. I love teaching, it was the only profession I ever told anyone I wanted to be. My mom says I wanted to be a teacher before I was even in school. 

Fast forward many years and I am a teacher. After a BA in History and an MEd in Secondary Social Studies Education. The road to becoming a teacher was not as straight forward after that. DUring my time in graduate school I began to work for Target in their one hour photo. Five years later and I'm a manager at Target working in the Front End, and pretty miserable. Needless to say I was not a teacher. True I trained new employees and taught them but it wasn't what I wanted. 

So I took a leap and went into teaching Special Education. And it was a good three year run, but working in middle school special education is a hard job, easy to get overwhelemed. I was unhappy and not teaching what I truely wanted to teach. So I decided to combine my second passion of travel with my first passion of teaching. 

I went to an international school job fair and the rest is history. 

I am now teaching at an International/American school in Ponce, Puerto Rico. It's a great adventure and a welcomed change. I'm still teaching middle school, but general education now. It was a welcomed change.

I decided to start this blog becasue I love to write and I wanted to write about the wonderful adventures I am having here in Puerto Rico. So be ready for stories, pictures, and a lot of fun! 

~*~ Tricia